Join this month for the chance to win a $1,500 Canadian weekend getaway from Merit Travel. Join now
Attend a free online retirement planning workshop. Register
We continue to provide a number of regular RTO District 29 activities to encourage our members to get together for a variety of events! The photo on the front of our “Upcoming Events” page is from last year’s Christmas social. Stay tuned for upcoming events, bring a friend along and participate in some of our upcoming events this winter!
Thanks to all our members who participated in our Fall Luncheon in Smith Falls and our Fall Tea in Perth.
Upcoming events for 2024/25:
December 11 – Webinar with the Ontario Dental Association – 1 pm EST
December 11 – Christmas Social at Code’s Mill Atrium – 6 – 8 pm – Come enjoy some Christmas cheer (Actively Employed Members too!!). Finger Foods and snacks provided. Contact Rob Umpherson at 613-264-3611 for more information.
Spring – Spring “Lunch and Learn” (Date and time to be determined.
If you have suggestions for events, please contact Kevin Hogan, Social Convenor at
We hope to see you at one of our Fall or Winter activities! Always check back with us on our website and our Facebook page as we provide further details and more upcoming activities in the Winter! Let us know what you think about the proposed events being considered for 2024 as well!